A few months back blogger put in a thing where you could follow blogs right through blogger. Also, when people follow you on the dashboard it tell you how many followers you have and you can see who they are. Now, just for the record, I don't follow any blogs through blogger because I use bloglines. It's a feed reader that allows me to follow any blog I want and all I have to do is log into one place to see them all. I find this much more convenient then jumping around from blog to blog, especially since a lot of the blogs I follow are not on blogger. I just wanted to be clear on this. Anyway, I have a couple of follows whom I also follow through the above mentioned bloglines, but there are a couple of others. For a long time I had a follower I didn't know at all. Odd. I checked out their blog and it was okay but not what I was into. I wondered how they found me and why they followed me. We had very different interests. Hmmm...oh well. That person is now gone but ...