My first CrossFit experience

I love this!!! Yesterday morning I hopped on my bike and toddled off to CrossFit. I've heard about CrossFit for years. I've read their blogs, seen their workout of the day, I've even done workouts similar to CrossFit, and I thought I was prepared. Well, I was wrong. Very, very wrong. I got there early because I wanted to see the regular class in action. I got there just as their workout was ending. Every one of them was gasping for air and sweating like a pig. There were puddles of sweat everywhere and every surface was covered in sweat. Wow, this looks like fun. Then they finished up with 1 minute of sit-ups. Yikes!!!! By this time others were coming in for the intro class, good, I wasn't going to be alone. 10 o'clock rolled around and the guy got started. First he introduced us to some of the moves we would be doing. We all got jump-ropes and he showed us a couple of ways to jump. I couldn't do all of them, especially the double under. Then he show...