Reflections on the games

Today was week 4 of the games. That means there is only 1 more week left in the Open. That makes me kind of sad. This has been a unique experience in many, many ways. First, there is just the competition. When I initially heard about the open I dismissed it. I was not in any physical shape to try and compete with anyone. But the more I thought about it, the more the idea grew on me. I've been Crossfitting for 7 months and I've made huge strides in that time. I was thinking I'd be in better shape next year, but then decided to a) see how I stack up against the rest of the old ladies and b) have something to compare next year to. So I signed up. Second, and probably most important, is the camaraderie. Our box does the WOD in waves, someone works out someone scores, so there is a lot of cheering and pushing people on. It's amazing. Then, after all the members are done, the coaches do theirs and most everyone hangs around to watch and cheer them on. It's so amazin...