Paleo Diet
It was a little over a year ago I first tried the paleo diet. Prior to that I had all manner of things going wrong with me. Nothing serious, but being really tired, bloated, mentally fuzzy, etc. Things that I thought were just a part of old age. Once I started the paleo diet these things started clearing up. I felt better, thought better, was able to work out better. It was awesome. But I didn't stick with it and I'm not sure why. I'm not sure why I began eating foods that made me feel horrible again. I'm not sure why I put my body through the stress of eating crap. I'm not sure. What I am sure of is 2 days back on paleo and I am already starting to feel awesome again. I know that I will suffer a lack of energy, I expect that to hit any time now, but ultimately I will feel a whole lot better. Hubby is working nights next week, so tonight is our last dinner together for a while. I am going to use this week to go full blown paleo. This weekend I'm going shopping ...