Searching for motivation

I've been feeling lately like time is not on my side. I need time. Time to work on my prospectus. Time to work out my eating. Time. Time. Time. The one thing that is in very short supply. So instead of time, I need motivation to move my ass and make progress on all these things. So if someone has a great white, please send it over. I'm reading the book I mentioned last post and I have to say it is making a whole lot of sense. One thing he mentions is that there is no good reason to eat every 2-3 hours and that humans should be able to skip a meal here and there with no problems. That is exactly what I found when I followed strict paleo. I got hungry but it was not that crazy I MUST EAT NOW hunger, it was more a hey, time for food. And if I didn't get to it right away it was no problem at all. That makes sense to me too because ancient humans didn't have access to food 24-7 like we did and I'm sure it was not possible to eat every 2-3 hours. He seems to take Pal...