Spring Break 2015 is almost over

I have had a good week. After my mini-break down last weekend, the rest of the week went really well. I worked out like a fiend. I did some school work. I napped. I ate when I was hungry and didn't stress over food. I had lunch with friends. I had a good week. I'm glad I didn't waste the week being upset or getting crazy over stupid stuff. I just relaxed and enjoyed myself. I have some things that I didn't do and so I will spend the next 2 days getting those things done. But I'm still happy. I've been eating normally. Not counting calories or stressing over carbs or fat or points or anything. I ate breakfast when I was hungry. I ate some lunch when I was hungry. And I ate dinner when I was hungry. I didn't stuff myself. I ate sweets but not a ton of them. And I felt good. I didn't feel fat all week. Could it be because there was no stress or could it be because I wasn't thinking so much about food that I just ate and ate and ate. Who knows. All I ...