
Last night I broke down and bought this: Now mind you, I bought this literally as I was going to bed, downloaded it on my Kindle and laid for almost 2 hours reading it. Their philosophy is not that different from AltShift in that you alternate high carb and low carb days. The issue I have with them is the carbs you eat and the calorie restriction. I know, from my own experience, that eating more actually helps me lose weight. I know that I feel better when I eat more and, if I am consistent, I do start to lean out. My body responds to more food. Maybe because of the years of restriction, I don't know, but more food is definitely the way to go for me. What I do like, is that they start you out delving into why you want to lose weight. What will be the end result of this process? How will you feel? How will you act? What difference will this make in your life? This really got me to thinking. Why am I doing this? I don't have any real, rock solid, motivation for doing th...