Making progress

Well, I've been on AltShift almost 6 weeks now and things are going well. I have finally completely accepted the fact that I can't rush this. I have to take it slow and I must, must, must have a good base from which to work. That is what I'm working on now - my base. I'm am working on making 10,000 steps, meditation, 8 hours sleep, and eating the right foods everyday iron clad habits. I'm doing really well on that front, but they are still not rock solid and I want them to be. But I'm getting there. I have devoted the last few weeks to getting all this behavior locked in and I'm really close to doing just that. It has been a huge help having the AltShift Activate group and I think I'm going to do another round. I've made huge strides towards getting this nailed down and I really do not want to lose my momentum. I'm afraid if I end now, I will lose the momentum I have gained and slip back into old habits. I'm feeling too damn good to let that...