Sick again

 I've got a bit of a head cold again!  Now I haven't had one since school started, but looking back at my blog I apparently get them kind of frequently. That sucks. Didn't sleep so well last night. Got up this morning and ended up back on the couch. I had trouble breathing during the night due to a stuffy nose, but laying on the couch, slightly elevated, helped the breathing. So I snoozed on the couch until Hubby got up. As per usual, I'm not feeling bad, just stuffy with a cough. Guess I'll just suffer through it. 

In other news, I signed up for this YogaBody daily program. They provide 15 minutes of strength workouts and 15 minutes of stretching routines every day. You are also supposed to add in 30 minutes of walking. It's done by the guy who does my stretching program which I just love, so I decided to give it a try. The main reason is for consistency. I need consistency. When we lived on Lydia Lane I lost a bunch of weight with just walking. It wasn't that I walked all that much, it's just I was wicked consistent. In my vast wisdom, I've decided that's where the key lies - in the consistency. So this YogaBody daily is not hard, it's not super strenuous, it's not time-consuming, but it will provide me some consistency. I bought it like Tuesday so I don't have a full week with it yet. I also really couldn't add in the walking part because of the freaking heat here. It's supposed to be 100F today. WTF??????  We are literally days from November and the weather is still like this? Anyway, it is supposed to cool down next week and I want to get a walk in when I come home from school. Mavy would like that, I would like that, everyone would like that. All I need to do is shake this ridiculous head cold. UGH!!!!!

I can't seem to get back into my business. I tried yesterday and it just didn't work. I'm going to try again today and see if I can get some stuff done. Mainly I want to get caught up on my classes. I have a new class starting on Nov. 4th. I'm not really going all out for this holiday season. I'm taking classes and learning some things. My plan is to design my own stuff and start selling my designs in the new year. Then I will have a physical shop where I can make my designs and sell them and a design shop that will sell the designs themselves. That's my goal. I am also working on focusing on pet stuff. I want to make dog/cat/bird things. Just did a quick bird search and there are some things out there, but I want to make them more pet type like dogs and cats. But these will take time. I have to learn to design and then actually make and test designs. So yeah, that's a long term thing. In the meantime I've somewhat lost the desire to use my laser. I don't want to cut more things and have them laying around. So I'm in a bit of a conundrum. 

Okay, I have no more to say. I need to get my day started, the dog is bugging me to go for a walk. 


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