It's been a week

 I really didn't get much accomplished this week. Or today. I've posted about that before though, I go through cycles of activity and then will have a week of less energy. I do feel a little bit overwhelmed with all I need to do, I just need to keep my eye on the prize. Last weekend I was so focused on making the car fresheners and it was easy to keep focus. This weekend I'm not sure what I'm working on. I've done a few things today, but they are all over the board. Need to get a plan on what I need to work on. In my defense, I am tired today. I had an open house last night and did not get home until 9pm and in bed at 9:30. That is way past my bedtime. I woke at 5:15 am and would have slept longer but Hubby had to get up by 5:30 and go to work. So I got up. Haven't been at my most energetic all day. So I'm giving myself some grace. I'll be heading to bed early tonight and I'm sure I'll be back at it tomorrow. 

Nothing much else. It was a good week. I was able to keep up on my grading all week and that feels so good. I did some planning yesterday while waiting for the open house. The real problem with open house is that I can leave at 3:30pm but open house is not until 7pm. It's a half hour ride home, so I would get home around 4pm. Then have to leave at 6:30ish to get back in time. Plus there is a real possibility that once I get home I won't leave. That could happen. So I sat around school for 3ish hours. I watched some Netflix and did get a little planning done. But it was boring as h*ll. By the time 7pm rolled around I was half asleep. Thankfully we only have to do it once a year, so that is done for now. 

Otherwise, I got nothing. I think I'm going to work on my Shopify store tonight. 


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