06 October 2005

It's getting better all the time.....

Wow, I feel my lethargy lifting and it's feeling really good. Whatever it is that has been dragging me down for the past couple of weeks is starting to pass, I can feel it. I know part of the solution was giving into it instead of fighting it. If I fight it it takes forever to pass but if I accept it and just roll with it it usually passes pretty quickly; and it is starting to pass.......

Although I've never been officially diagnosed I believe I suffer from depression. Clearly it's not bad enough to keep me down and I've never been one to take drugs for any length of time but I do think it's a demon I wrestle with. Again, part of getting out of it is realizing what's going on and just rolling with it. If I spend 2 days sleeping in and lolling on the couch by the 3rd day I'm ready to get up and fight. But if I don't give in and try to keep it at bay, it will drag me down for as long as I fight. I believe it has a set course to run and it will run that course come hell or high water.

Anyway, the bottom line is I'm feeling better and starting to get back into the routine.

As for training; last night went well. We ended up in a very rural neighborhood and the road was really dark (that was scary) lucky I had a flashlight with me so it wasn't so bad. We did 80 minutes and about 6 miles (we were walking because it was really dark), not too bad.

I have a 30K coming up next weekend and I'm still trying to figure out how to play it. My ankles are almost completely healed and really feeling great. I want to really go for it on the 30K just to see how well I do it but, on the other hand, I know I should take it slow since I haven't been 100% up to now..... I don't know. I'll probably just play it by ear and see how I feel the day of.....

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Helping or just habit?

 About 6-7 years ago, I was diving into this making myself better stuff. I was in a place where I beat myself up constantly, was never happy...