30 December 2006

I think I'm going to the dark side.

I have a secret blog that I keep where I put all the stuff that would scare you if you read it :)
On that blog I switched over to beta a while ago. I've gotten used to it and think I may actually like it better. I'm thinking for the new year I'll switch this one too. I'm still thinking.

I've very excited about today. Sports Authority was having a big 2-day sale and in the newspaper were coupons for even more discounts. I've been looking for a small weight bench since I'm really getting into the weight training stuff. So I went there to look. I found a perfect one. It's not huge, adjustable to sit, lay flat, or decline, and it's light and folds up for easy storage. Perfect. It was on sale for $89.99 and my coupon for $15.00 made it even cheaper. I took this tiny studio that's attached to the house and turned it into a workout room. I've got my elliptical, my bike and trainer, my weight bench and weights, and a tv and dvd player for workouts. I'm very excited to use it tomorrow morning.

Hubby has also been looking for new golf clubs. So while at Sports Authority we looked at the clubs. There's this one particular set he's been eyeing for months but they are a little pricey. So we look at them today, they are $100.00 off plus an additional 30% will be taken off. We had another coupon for $25.00 off and he used that. He ended up getting like $200.00 off these clubs and he is so excited he can't stand it. I'm really excited for him. He's the type of guy who won't buy things for himself. We have looked at those clubs a hundred times and I've tried to talk him into buying them but he just wouldn't. Now I'm glad he didn't, of course. He plays golf at least once a week so it's not like he won't use them. I'm happy for him. And me :)

Well, the fireworks have begun so the drugging of the dogs will continue until the wee hours of Monday morning. I will be glad when this holiday is over.


Anonymous said...

A workout room sounds great! All we have space for is the treadmill in the house but we do have a bench out in the garage and it's one of those heavy dute wt lifter type ones w/ a big bar and large weights. A friend of my dh owns it and never has picked it up yet. Sometimes I'll go out there and do some smaller wts but mostly just do them at the Y.
Too bad about all the fireworks and your dogs. I lived in Maui quite a while back and remember all the fireworks and was always wondering why it was such a big deal there. We don't really do them here maybe a few people.
Have a great week! I need to get serious about some more training here soon. Tuesday will be my day to get w/ the program and do more intesity.

Vickie said...

So what's with this Beta blog? What are the advantages?

Lucky t have a workout room. If I couldhave an inside pool, I'd do the same thing and totally avoid the gym.

Nancy Toby said...

So.... if it's a secret blog, why did you tell us about it? Hmmmm...

Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...