28 December 2006

Just a quick note.

So I don't forget.

Two things:

I'm thinking my theme for this year will be "NO EXCUSES" that fits in with my just do it mindset that I'm working on. I am a big procrastinator and this will fit not only my fitness but also some personal issues I'm working on. So that's a serious contender.

2nd, I just read this great article (that I can't get back to so I'll link later) about motivation. The thing I took from it was that pain motivates much better than pleasure. So instead of focusing on all the positive aspects of eating right/ working out, I'm going to set myself a deadline and think of something "painful" to do if I fail. In the article a guy told a bunch of his friends he would lose 20 lbs by X date or eat a can of Alpo in front of them. Oh yeah, you bet I'd lose that weight!!! While I won't go that far, I'm thinking if I fail to post a picture of myself in a bikini here. Of course, that may be more painful for you than for me :) I don't know. I've always been a fan of public humiliation so this would work for me.

Okay, I really have some work to do so I'll be back later to expand on thee topics.


Ross said...

I think a good theme for you could be a twist on New Hampshire's theme. "Train hard or DIE" :)

Vickie said...

That's interesting about pain being a motivator. I would think it would be motivation enough to not have a race by painful to keep you training. That's the way I think anyway!

Nancy Toby said...

Ack! Not a bikini!! That's too much!! :-)

Let's concentrate on our insides and the process and let the externals take care of themselves!!!

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