26 December 2007

Now that that's over....

we can all relax. I'm probably one of the grinchiest people around, yet I still get swept up in all the Christmas hype. Every year I say not this year, and every year I end up participating against my will. But overall it was a nice Christmas.

I got Hubby an HDTV and what a chore that was. There was the initial finding and buying of the TV itself - that was fun. The cable company ran out of HD cable boxes and I couldn't pick one up until Sunday. I had hubby so completely convinced that there was no way he was getting another TV that he never suspected. It was fun to surprise him. I haven't pulled off a good surprise in years, he usually figures it out. So that was fun. Other than that it was a pretty quiet day and that I definitely like.

I did get up in the morning and run 5 miles. I hadn't run on Sunday due to having to go pick up the cable box (it was across the island and I had to go and come back before Hubby got home). So I headed out and headed the uphill way. This way is primarily uphill the whole way out and generally downhill on the return. I did the entire 5 miles without stopping at all (huge success). The hills hardly bothered me at all and I felt good both during and after. I did the 5 in 1:06, not too shabby if I may say so myself. So, as I was running up the last hill I made a decision. I am going to do the 10k on New Years Day. I checked some previous years results and I will be far from the last one in. I might even place in my age group since it seems not many in my age show up. So that's on again.

Well, that's it for now. I went back to work today and it really gave me a headache. I'm going to have dinner and head off to bed early.


Vickie said...

Good for you! I'll be waiting for a report!

Comm's said...

ah the HDTV, what a saint you are. You have no idea how much he will love that tv.

Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...