31 December 2009

Moving forward

The end of this year is very different for me. I usually look forward to having a clean slate and starting over and all that stuff. I'm a big believer in new beginnings but that usually implies that there is something to leave behind or get over. I don't feel that way about this year. This year was a struggle in many ways, but it was also a pretty fabulous year in a lot of ways. So, while I am definitely looking ahead, I'm not that anxious to dump 2009. Also, my goals for 2010 are far more realistic then they have been in the past couple of years. I'm not making resolutions, I'm setting goals.

For 2010 I want to:

  1. get back into doing races, running and triathlons. I would like to do the 10 road races of various lengths and 2 triathlons. 
  2. I want to work with Axl and try to get him more settled.  I'm thinking obedience training to start. 
  3. Work on my new house.  Nothing major just slowly work on it to make it the home we want. 
  4. Be the best chemistry teacher I can be.  
I would also like to lose some weight but I have said that so many years that I have decided to just let it go this year.  I'm working on it, as I explained in my last post, but I'm not including it on my 2010 list.

So, for the first time in the past few years I'm happy where I am and not anxious to dump the past.  I am anxious to head into the future but that will come regardless of what I do.  2009 has been a great year and 2010 is going to be even better. 

So to all the bloggers out there:

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...