04 April 2013

I went

After going back and forth all morning, I ended up going to Crossfit. And I'm glad that I did. We practiced chest to bar for 13.5 on Saturday - yeah, that's not happening at all. But I did get my first kipping pull up!! It was with bands, but I still did it. Yeah me!!!! The WOD was as follows:

4 rounds

  • kettlebell swing for 60 seconds
  • burpees for 60 seconds
  • sit ups for 60 seconds
  • rest for 60 seconds

Wash, rinse, repeat 4 times. I ended up doing a total of 231 reps. Even better? My shoulder feels pretty good. It didn't bother me during the workout and has felt pretty good all day. Hopefully by tomorrow it will be gone completely.

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Helping or just habit?

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