I'm Baaaaackkkkkkkk

After the train wreck that was last week, I woke Saturday with a renewed determination to get back into the game. I went to Crossfit and we started with split jerks. Because of my shoulder I've been holding back doing anything really heavy that goes over my head. That was my intention with the split jerks but I ended up doing: 45-65-75-85-95#. Not bad. Much better than I expected. So that made me feel good. Then the WOD was:
200 meter run then
Dumbbell Snatch balance 5#
One legged squats 12"box w/45# plate
Then another 200 meter run
My time was 8:43 which was perfectly acceptable. Later that afternoon a group from Crossfit headed out to climb the Haiku stairs. It was the first time I'd ever tried them and I did not make it to the top, but I'm okay with that. Here is a picture of the stairs;
That's just one section of the stairs and not even a really bad section. So that was my Saturday afternoon. Sunday turned out to be a rainy, dreary day and we just hung around the house all day. Today it was back to work and back to the box.
First we did overhead squats. Since I hurt my shoulder I have not been able to do overhead squats. I have tried and tried and I just could not do them. Tonight I could finally do them again. Not only could I do them, I got 5# from my PR. My last PR was 70# and tonight I got to 65#. That is awesome and amazing. I was so stoked, I can finally do overhead squats again. Then it was on to the WOD:
It's benchmark week so we got Fran:
Thrusters 40#
Jumping pull ups 12" box
Did it in 6:30. Woot, woot for me.
Okay, that brings us up to now which is bedtime. Good night.