03 November 2013

Gratitude Day 3

Today was a good day. Busy, but good. I got up early and started working on a poster board I had to do for an open house at school today. After that I got some research done for a paper that is due next week. Then it was off to Crossfit for a brutal workout. Then home to shower and head out to the aforementioned open house. Then sat around there for 3 hours - kind of boring, but at least I had people to talk to this year. Then it was a trip to Best Buy for something. And finally home. We went out to dinner and now I'm exhausted.

Today I am grateful for my health. I have been very lucky in the health dept. I have never been really sick. I have never had any major problems or issues. I have had my share of aches, pains, flus, colds, and injuries, but overall I'm in pretty good shape. I'm grateful for that. I see people all around with all manner of illness and injury. I am thankful to have kept my health this long.

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