22 December 2015

Winter break laziness

Well, my first two days of break ended up being a little busier than I planned. Saturday I recapped yesterday. Yesterday ended up being busy. I went to the mobility clinic at Crossfit and I'm glad I did. I then went to Long's and Times and grabbed some lunch and by the time I got home it was 1 pm already. I relaxed for a bit and then it was time to walk the dogs. Then dinner and cleaning up the kitchen. Whew. My break was off to a running start.

Today was very, very different. I got up and lazed around. Showered, started laundry, started grading, and started Netflix. I ended up doing some grading; not as much as I'd hoped; and watching a whole lot of Netflix. I finished Orange is the new black season 3 and watched the movie Home. Home was cute but not great. OITNB was a real cliff hanger...Wonder when season 4 is????

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Well that escalated quickly

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