24 December 2004

The sun came out this morning......

I know this is a weight loss blog but I just have to celebrate. I got my bonus today, it was more than I thought it would be and it's enough to get everything caught up. I'm so excited; and relieved. I can now get caught up on all the bills and start the year clean. I have a plan to get everything paid off in a year so by June of 2006 we'll only have Charlie's truck payment. I'm so stoked I just can't believe it. It's the beginning of the end. By 2007 we can buy a place - woo hoo!!! I can't believe things are working out so well!!! They are working just like I planned them too all becaue I believed that it would work out. I'm going to get my business up and running and making a little extra money on the side. Finally, things are really looking up!!!!

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...