04 March 2005


It's been a long week and I have been totally uninspired the entire week. I've taken the week off and I'm noticing some effects of that desicision. I'm much more tired than I am when I exercise. I eat whether I'm hungry or not. I don't think I've felt hungry in 2 days. I'm eating more than I normally do. I fully expect the scale to show an increase tomorrow morning. I don't like the way I feel and it's got to end. I am convinced that the week of rest is overall good for my body though so I have followed through and been a slug all week.

Working through the Bob Greene book is proving to be very interesting. He has some issues you should discover about yourself before weight loss will be really successful. I really feel I've tackled most of these issues and faced my demons so to speak. My problem really is consistency. I will have major determination for days and then suddenly it will be gone. I need to develop a strategy for those times when determination leaves me. First thing I'm gonnna do is post some inspirational messages around my room here. I need to just power through those times of low motivation. That's what I really need to work on. I also need a reward system and I need a program for dealing with food. Some days I just really want something sweet and it's just really hard not to eat sweets. How do I deal with that? Maybe I make deals with myself. If I want a sweet I will need to exercise enough to work it off BEFORE I eat it. That may work. I really need to develop some new tricks to get me through this. I have only 20 lbs to lose and I really, really want to get rid of them. I have to focus on what I want most, not what I want now.

Wow, that's some heavy thinking for so early in the morning. Now it's time for some pictures....

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...