03 March 2005

The end is near

I really need to get my act together as far as weight loss goes. I'm working on doing that this week. I have taken the week off as the bod was really hurting and it was scaring me a little. Yesterday I pigged out completely on baked goods :) When I woke up this morning I felt so pudgy and soft, I really dislike this feeling!!! I have decided to push my self imposed 'rest break' to tomorrow. I want to be sure the body is in good shape before I start on my next journey.

I purchased Bob Greene's 12 week makeover and am reading that. I've decided to start it on Saturday since I've been such a slug this week. I think I need a structured plan in order to jump off this plateau I've been hanging on for months now.

The body pain was kind of scary. My lower back, my right knee, my left IT band, and my hips hurt for like 2 weeks. The hips were the scariest part cause they really hurt bad. I've had that pain before but never this bad. I kind of decided it was due to running 8.15 miles without really building up to it but it took a long time to recover. They feel good now and my IT band is even going away.

I just can't get over how pudgy I feel. I feel like I've gained about 10 lbs. I know I haven't because my clothes still fit, but it sure feels that way.

Not much more to say. It's boring and I have lots of time on my hands when I don't exercise. Yet, another good reason to exercise.

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