26 April 2005

Monday, Monday....

Another really good day under my belt. Do you have any idea how awesome it feels to have a good weekend and a good Monday??? Infuckingcredible......

I'm trying something new. I'm cutting back on my tv/computer time. Tonight when I came home I did not even turn the tv on. I fired up my computer and starting playing music. Then I started my strength training and was rocking out including running in place between exercises. It was great. I worked out hard and ended up almost as sweaty as when I do aerobics. I really enjoyed my workout tonight doing that. Tomorrow night no tv until House at 8:00pm and only if that's new. I think I'll start my withdrawal by slowly weaning myself. No just turning the tv on and leaving it. I will only turn it on in order to watch something. No more channel surfing. It'll be easier once summer is here because there'll be mostly repeats.

Well, all this healthy living and exercise has made me tired. I'm off to bed....

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...