05 June 2006

I hate blogger!!!!!

I have been trying to post all day and blogger either so slow I couldn't wait or I'd get an error message. UUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

So, the reason for my post was my awesome swim this morning. Hubby left for work and I rolled over and decided to sleep in. Not 2 minutes later I'm bouncing out of bed running to get my stuff together to go for a swim. What exactly is happening to me???? It's all good!!!

So I get to the pool and decided on a 1600m workout. It broke down like this:

200 m warm-up: 5:12
4 x 50 (:15): 1:06, 1:06, 1:09, 1:09
200 m pull: 5:10
4 x 50 (:10): 1:08, 1:12, 1:13, 1:13
200m swim: 5:33
4 x 50 (:05): 1:09, 1:15, 1:19, 1:18
4 x 25 (right only/left only)/100m hard/2 x 50 moderate (:10): 10:55

Totals: 1600m in 48:55

For the last 3 sets I totally forgot to hit my watch, I was focused so hard on what I was doing and using the pool clock that I spaced my watch.

Anyway, I felt great but I can see how I slowed down near the end, I need to work on that.

Overall a great workout. Oh, so a huge victory. Last Monday there was no WW meeting since it was Memorial Day. Instead I went to Saturday morning meeting. Now a morning meeting is good in a lot of ways, I am lighter in the morning whether I had breakfast or not. But there is a downside too, especially if I have to weigh-in again 3 days later - at night!!! So I was expecting it to be up slightly, also I wasn't perfect this weekend, so I was definitely set for a slight increase. I stepped on the scale tonight and it reads exactly the same as Saturday morning - WOOOOO HOOOO!!! That's huge.!!!!!!!

I'll give this day an A.

1 comment:

Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

Alright! Good workouts. Good results on the scale. Savor these days.

Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...