06 August 2006


First, have I ever mentioned that I can be a slow learner??? Most things I pick up pretty quickly, but there are some things it just takes me forever to really learn.

One thing I have learned is that I need to visit this question frequently. I'm thinking once a week. Probably every Sunday which is my planning day anyway. I will dwell on what it is I want this week and focus on that. I have the big picture from a previous post so there's no need to revisit that.

Okay, what do you want this week???
I want to get my eating back on track. I've been eating junk for a couple of days and I really feel like sh*t.

What will you do towards that end?
I will make sure I have good, healthy food for the entire week. I will go to the store to get what I need. I will plan my meals everyday and stick to my plan.

Anything else?
Yes, I need to get more focus in my training. I've been floundering around this week and I don't like it.

How will you do that?
Today I will lay out training for this week and I will stick to it. Once I get a few good sessions under my belt I'm pretty much set. I also have to focus on my next goal, the Na Wahine Sprint Tri. I'm good with the swim and the bike, I need to work on the run.

What else?
I think that will do for this week. Work on my improving my eating and getting more consistency in my training. That should carry me for the week.


*jeanne* said...

That sounds like a very good, positive focus for the week.

Now will you write one for melancholy menopausal me?

(Maybe I'll just borrow yours.)

Dr. Iron TriFeist :) said...

That's what it takes! Revisit the questions that drive you. It's easy to lose focus. Now you are back on track.

How is Nala?

Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...