27 August 2006

Wow, it's hot here!!!!

Look at my little weather thingy. It's 81 with no wind, that's hot for us!!!

It's been a good weekend. My head's in a good place and I hope to keep it there.

Saturday was biking day. I had planned to do a 2-3 hour ride since I had nothing else to do until later and it was a beautiful day. After about 45 minutes some weird stuff started happening. I would get this ringing/buzzing in my right ear and then I would start to get dizzy. Since I was riding on the main highway in this area, I pulled over and stopped. It passed and I took off again. This happened a couple of times so I decided 2-3 hours probably wasn't a great idea. I did 1:15 and headed home.

Today was strength and running. Since it's so freaking hot I did not feel like running (you folks who live in this all the time have my utmost respect). Yesterday on my bike ride, I discovered the entrance to a trail I'd been looking for. It's just a mile from my house so I decided I'd go hiking instead of running and check out the trail.

A little background here. In April 2005 I was in really good shape. I was running regularly. I was trail running on the weekends. In fact, the weekend of April 9 & 10 I did 2 10k's back to back and did better on the 2nd one than the 1st. I was doing good and feeling great. Then on May 14th I sprained my ankle and that started a cycle that took months to break. When all was said and done I had sprained both ankles 3 times and went through physical. To this day my right ankle still aches. Okay, so I sprained my ankle while trail running and have not been back since then. This morning was scary and exciting. I decided to walk, slow, and not push it at all. I was also paying very close attention to the trail, I was determined not to injure myself.

It turned out to be a great trail. I walked out for 45 minutes then turned around. It was the ditch trail so there really wasn't any breathtaking views, but it was nice. I started early and was the first one on the trail. On my way back I ran into mountain bikers and horseback riders. I have a mountain bike but I'm not a very good rider. This trail looks pretty good for a beginner and I'm going to give it a go. I think next Sunday I'll try it out.

The rest of the day I've spent trying to stay cool and clean the house. The bird cages needed cleaning badly. And I have a real ant problem in the bird room so I had to take care of that. Ugh. I'm hot and tired and need a shower!!! When Charlie gets home we're going to take the dogs to the beach for a swim, oh yeah!!!!

1 comment:

Nancy Toby said...

Up or down less than 10 degrees from room temperature is *NOT* hot or cold!!!!!! That's ... moderate!! Maybe when you get to plus or minus 30 or 40 degrees, how about that??

Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...