03 December 2006

Today was a great day (and it's not over :)

I have not been dwelling on California and their f*cked up state today. It's crossed my mind a couple of times but only as a profanity :) So that is very good.

I decided to run this morning. I have a 10k in 4 weeks and wasn't even sure I could cover that distance. My running has been so pathetic lately!!! So I headed out doing a 4/1 run/walk combo. It was fun. The turn around is right across the beach so I stopped and enjoyed the view for a few minutes. I was running really good too. I did slow down at the end and I walked more than I wanted to towards the end but I did it and now I have a base from which to work.

As soon as I got home I got into a tub of cold water (I didn't have much ice around) and sat there for a few minutes then took a lukewarm shower. That really helped - wow!!! Around here the physiology folks tell you to jump into the ocean after a run; same theory, cold water really helps the muscles.

Then it was off the the running store to get new shoes. My feet have been hurting after runs for a couple of days and today I was having shin pain during my run. That is my signal that my shoes need replacing. So I got the new Asics 1120 in baby blue, very pretty.

The rest of the day was grocery shopping and house cleaning. Now it's 3 p.m. and I've done everything I wanted to. So I'm going to lay on the couch and read while I finish up the laundry.

definitely a great day :)

1 comment:

sharon said...

Getting new running shoes will make any day better. Especially when they're pretty.

Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...