17 February 2007

Saturday at the Expo

So today was the Expo for the Great Aloha Run. This run is really a run for everyone. There are no cutoffs and the course will stay open as long as someone is out there. It's a great, non-runner friendly race and I really enjoy it. It was the first race I did when I started my healthy journey 10 years ago and it's still one of my favorites. They get over 20,000 runners every year and it's a blast. It ends inside Aloha Stadium (if you watch the ProBowl that's where they play) and it is a giant party; music, food, entertainment, give-aways, it's really great. So in their effort to draw in non-exercisers they have a 3 day health and fitness expo. This year they changed it up a little and it was really nice.

I got up this morning and had my coffee while hanging with the bird. After a while I went off and did my weight training. It's amazing how you improve with weights fairly rapidly, I like seeing progress. Anyway, after the weights I had planned on running. I was feeling a little worn out and was debating the whole run thing. I decided to go ahead since I haven't run outside in a while and I really wanted an idea of what Monday would be like. So I decided to go for a 20 minute run. Wow!!! My legs felt awesome (the lungs, not so much) and I really felt like I could run forever. I ran out for 10 minutes then back. Not only did I run further than I usually do in 10 minutes, I had a negative split. So now I'm psyched for Monday. I know it won't be fantastic since I haven't been training as much as I would like, but it will be a lot better than I thought it would be.

So at the Expo I got a pair of black chili pepper socks (for biking), a hand held water bottle carrier, and an international orange tank top. Okay, the tank top was free but international orange?????? I also picked up some Sport Beans (which I've never tried) and Clif Shot Blox (these are the most awesome!!!!). Oh yeah, and a credit union gave me a really cool gym bag. I really needed one as mine was falling apart - cool.

So a great Saturday. I also went to the book store and got 2 new books. Now it's off to the couch for a little relaxation.


Duane said...

So what do you pack in your Bento box when you tri? Manapua? Shave Ice with ice cream and beans after a workout? When I read your blog I start thinking about the great food there! I must be hungry! Maybe it's a good thing I don't live there! Have a great run!

Anna said...

Sounds like a great day!! You MUST post a picture of those socks -- they sound awesome!

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