07 May 2007

I liket to think I'm a pretty decisive person.

Generally when I have to decide on something I learn all I can, think it over, weigh both sides, and make a decision. Rarely do I regret these decisions, and even more rarely do I change my mind. But this time I'm really stumped.

I decided to do Tinman last week or so and felt really good about that decision. I was looking forward to the race and figured out how it wouldn't be too terribly hard to add in the training for it. Well, the first obstacle was the swimming. I don't have access to a pool right now and swimming in the ocean is logistically a pain in the butt during the week. I had thought to swim on Sunday mornings but that is proving to not be working for me. Then today I started the next phase of my strength training and it's 4 days a week for 45 minutes. That means I'll have to be doing my interval training at night. Basically I have no time left in the morning to get anything else in. I'll be able to bike one morning and, if my plantar cooperates, run another morning. And I know myself well enough to know I end up taking 1 day a week off. That's 7 days and not a swim in sight. I may see about getting a swim in on the weekend afternoons but usually by then the beaches are so crowded it's insane.

So, bottom line, I'm rethinking my Tinman decision. My focus this year is most definitely weight loss and muscle building so I may have to pass on the Tinman to achieve those goals. I do have till May 28 to decided, after that the registration goes up.

So yeah, I started a new strength training segment today and it kicked my butt. This portion involves tough stuff, one legged stiff legged lifts, pull-ups, dip, my arms are still shaking. Now I'm on the hunt for a pull-up bar. My door frame just doesn't cut it.

Well, that's all I've got. Hope everyone has a great Monday.


TriShannon said...

You got to do what works for you. Remember your goals... if it fits, it fits. If not, well there is always next year.

angelfish24 said...

I guess, get out and swim today! See you feel and if you feel you can complete the swim section in the tinman. How far is the swim and other parts? Guess I can google it.

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