02 June 2007

Day 1

Yeah, okay, this sucks. I have a low grade headache (probably from lack of caffeine), I feel like I need to yell at someone and I'm freaking tired. I mean exhausted. I feel like I could lay down and sleep for days.

I knew that the caffeine would cause a problem in trying to kick it but this is brutal. I think I underestimated my food needs today. I had a plan for breakfast, snacks, lunch, and it didn't work. I was hungry and had a caffeine headache. Not a pleasant afternoon.

We had dinner at a friends tonight so I came home and took a nap - that helped. Dinner was easy. It was a barbecue so there was chicken breasts and salad, so I had no problem eating at dinner. That's good.

So, yeah, Day 1 is over and so far I'm not having a great time. I know this will pass and frankly it can't happen soon enough. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

1 comment:

CyberPartyGal said...

Good luck in your weight loss program!

Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...