07 July 2007

Who Got New toys????

Now it's just waiting 3 hours for the thing to charge before I can play with it. UGH!!!!


Unknown said...

methinks you'll like the new toy. :)

try sporttracks free software as an alternative to what came with the garmin...just to see what you might like better. I prefer the sporttracks most of the time. but usually download to both.

Lavender said...

Is it charged yet?!?!?!?
Good for you getting out there and running!! Bravo!

Dances with Corgis said...

Yay! :) Can't wait to hear how you like it!

I actually need a new one, too since I am an IDIOT and left mind freaking camping up at Tupper lake. argh argh argh argh... like I really needed to blow the budget right now. :(

Dances with Corgis said...

Yay! :) Can't wait to hear how you like it!

I actually need a new one, too since I am an IDIOT and left mind freaking camping up at Tupper lake. argh argh argh argh... like I really needed to blow the budget right now. :(

Helping or just habit?

 About 6-7 years ago, I was diving into this making myself better stuff. I was in a place where I beat myself up constantly, was never happy...