08 November 2007

Did I tell you I ran yesterday??

Cause I did. And it was ugly. But it wasn't me this time. Well, unless you count my lungs as part of me.

Yesterday was weights and running. Now it has been raining here for like 4 days. It rained pretty hard a couple of days and the ground is wet. It will take the rest of the week for it to dry out, it rained that much.

So after my weights I looked out and saw that the sky looked pretty clear so I got ready to run. As soon as I stepped outside I realized this would be a tough one. It was just before 6 am and I could feel the humidity. This is not going to be good. I headed out.

I started slow because I just knew this humidity would be a problem. But the legs felt so good I kept speeding up. I would force myself to slow down but I inevitably sped up again. I got to the halfway point and turned around. I took a short walk break as I usually do then headed off again. The way back is more downhill and so I tend to go a little faster. I noticed I was going faster but didn't think much of it. After about a minute or two I had to stop and walk for a second. The air had gotten so thick, I felt like I was trying to breath water. As soon as I recovered I started running again - slowly.

I hit this section of the route near the end that's a pretty steep downhill. I sail down the hill and am moving at a good clip when I hit the bottom. I'm cruising along and suddenly my breathing increases and I feel like I can't get air. I stop running and stand there for a minute panting and trying to calm down. I have never had anything like that happen. It was horrible. I think I can understand what asthmatics feel now. That is not fun. And, as soon as I started to feel like I wasn't getting air I started to panic. I realized immediately it was the humidity and breathing too hard. I just needed to calm down and get my breathing under control. Which I did and finished my run with no problems.

We have high humidity here but it's not often it feels like it did yesterday morning. As you stepped outside it felt like someone was applying pressure to your lungs. I have to remember to go super slow on days like that. It was bad.

Today I did intervals on the bike in the studio. That was much better. Of course, it's not near as humid as yesterday morning. Okay, now you're all caught up on my life :)


BreeWee said...

love your motivation to run and keep on keepin' on! As a fellow Hawaii girl (Big Island) I share the humidity with ya...Way to go!

Vickie said...

Yeah, humidity is no fun. I think its actually harder to run when it is extremely humid than when it is extremely cold. But at least you worked through it. That's what you need to do to train yourself in hard situations--figuring out how to get through a tough spot. Way to go!

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