09 November 2007

Stumbling into the lights of the city,

and then back in the shadows again
Hanging onto the laughter
That each of us hid our unhappiness in

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller? Name that song and win extra credit points.

So that's what I was doing this morning, stumbling into the lights of the city I headed out on my run before the sun was even peeking over the horizon. I shuffled my schedule a little. I'm doing a full blown, 1 hour weight/interval workout tomorrow, so I blew off the strength training today and decided to do a 5k. And it was awesome!!!

There was considerably less humidity than Wednesday so I had no trouble breathing. As I said, I headed out in the dark so it was nice and cool. And I was feeling strong and ready to go. I did the 5k in 38 minutes, 1 minute faster than Saturday - Woot!!!! And I really felt like I could have kept going, but I didn't want to push it.

Vickie's having the same problem I am, holding back. Except for my Monday run, I have been feeling so awesome that I want to go further. I have to force myself to stick to the program and not to try too much too soon. The body is feeling awesome, all the way from my plantar foot to my painful shoulder. I know that the way to stay strong and injury free is to take it easy and increase the mileage gradually. I'm holding at this mileage for another week then I kick into my 10k training for the new year. I believe my 10k, New Year's Day goal is 1:05. I know I can pull this off.

Celebrity blogger news. If you look at the comments for my last post, where I was whining about the humidity, a comment was left by BreeWee. Well, Bree Wee is a star in the local triathlon scene. She is amazingly fast (1st amateur at Kona last month) as well as a mother and wife. She did the Honolulu marathon last year in 3:23, 5 months after having her son. 5 MONTHS!!! This woman totally rocks. She and I have raced together in a number of races. We did the Tinman together, she came in 1st, I came in 1,000th. We did the Great Aloha Run together, she came in 2nd, I came in 1,500th. So, okay, she's a little faster than me, the real point is she is an amazing athlete and a nice person. So go, read her blog (she just started it), and comment. That way if she goes pro you will already be a close personal friend :)


Fe-lady said...

Great to hear that you are champing at the bit and "holding back"- and your body is cooperating too!
(And that it has stopped raining for awhile!)
Keep up the good work!

Vickie said...

Now that IS awesome! You are coming along nicely. It pays to increase your mileage, but pays off more to hold back some until you are more conditioned. I hope you can join our virtual race on Dec. 8. The 8 miles might be a little bit more than you can manage, but I am thinking of mentioning you can run and bike to make the mileage if that helps.

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