12 April 2009

Ob la di, ob la da

Another crappy night of sleep, but at least I know why. I've been preparing for her loss for a while now. When she was diagnosed with brain cancer back in September I knew it was only a matter of time. The actual event yesterday was gut wrenching, but having been prepared I think we are already starting to heal. Last night we went out to dinner and were laughing about the goofy things she used to do. So that's good. There is a huge hole in our lives that I don't think will ever be filled. I know people say their dog was the best dog ever but I think everyone has a special dog. I've owned a lot of dogs but Nala was a very, very special dog. I know I will never have another dog like her and that's the hole that I will always have. As much as I miss her and as much as it hurts for her to be gone, I'm so glad I had her. She was the best. We stopped by the tattoo place last night and I'm going in Thursday to have her tattooed on my leg. She was that special.

On the way out to dinner last night we heard the Beatles' song, Ob la di, ob la da Life goes on..... It seemed appropriate somehow. She's gone but life does go on. We can miss her and remember her but life goes on.....

So this morning I'm heading out for a hike. I like hiking and I've come to really like it on Sunday mornings. So I don't know exactly how far or how long I'll go. I'm not even sure exactly where I'm going since I'm taking a new trail. This will all be great fun.


Sharkbytes (TM) said...

OH, I'm so sorry. Some dogs are just special. I too, solve life's problems by hiking. See http://myqualityday.blogspot.com/2009/02/in-memory-of-hoover-houdini-chips.html. Hope you have great memories of Nala forever.

Fixed Index Annuity said...

Some dogs are just special. I too, solve life's problems by hiking. Hope you have great memories of Nala forever.

Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...