23 August 2009

Yesterday wasn't bad

It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. I did get a workout in. I got new running shoes. I got new bike stuff and got the shoes put together. Eating wasn't very good, beer and nachos at Chili's. But it was okay. Feeling pretty good this morning and that is definitely a plus. Feel like I'm catching up on my sleep and that is a big plus. I'm getting ready to head out in my new running shoes. I want to do a run/walk for about 30 minutes.

So I was watching The Last 10 Pounds last night and something struck me hard. They were working these people out 3-4 days a week on strength and cardio everyday, each session was for about 30 minutes. But they were hitting them hard in the diet area. Not putting them on diets but getting them off the sugar and fat they were consuming. So this just proves it, food really is the key to losing weight. Definitely workout but you have to eat right there is no choice. This afternoon I'm going grocery shopping after we do some house hunting.

Yes, you read that right - house hunting. We've decided to stay in Hawaii for a few more years and that means buying a house. I think I'm finally ready to make that commitment. So no moving to Colorado. No land with lots of animals. No RV, no rv extended warranty, none of that stuff. But that does mean house hunting and mortgage hunting and all the insanity that goes with that. Should be fun, no??

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...