21 September 2011

Metamorphosis has begun

I'm very inspired and excited about this whole reinventing myself. It is very freeing and empowering to know the source of what's holding me back. Now that I am aware of the problems I am moving on them and I am excited. I woke up a couple of times during the night and the first word in my head was reinventing and I wondered if it was time to get up yet. That tells me I'm pretty excited about this whole thing. I need to be careful though and not go crazy. I have been known to do that and just burn myself out in the first days. So I need to pace myself and keep this momentum going.

So I started today with an hour long workout. I have been babying myself with these 30 minute workouts and telling myself that I need to get into shape to do the others. Bullshit. I need to push myself to the limit and work as hard as I can. That't the only way I make progress, so that's what I'm doing. Pushing myself. Right now I'm on break so it's a great time to push the envelope because if I crash no one will care. So that's what I'm doing - pushing myself. And it felt pretty good. Okay, I thought I was going to die but I made it through. And now I am very proud of myself for a good start.

Now I'm hungry so it's time to shower, get some food and then head to school for a training session before Walgreens. Busy, busy day.

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...