03 July 2012

Quick update

Just wanted to do a quick update so that I remember. After my earlier posts, I honestly didn't feel like working out but I am really liking the way I'm feeling and I don't want to lose that.

For the record:

  • I don't feel like I'm walking on peg legs when I get up in the morning
  • My back rarely hurts anymore - except for today because I've been sitting so much
  • I'm sleeping well, very well
  • My joints don't hurt
Okay, so I forced myself to workout, but I did not want to go to the gym.  I pulled a Tabata workout off the web and did that. One hour of short bursts of exercises. I've done this once before and really liked it and I still do. I like it. The hour just zooms by because you are only doing something for 20 seconds at a time. Awesome.  After that I wanted to run. Crazy, I know, but I did. So after resting for about 30-40 minutes, I went out for a run. The C25K program called for me to run for 3 minutes then walk for 3 minutes. I didn't think I could do that after my Tabata workout so I went back to 90 seconds running/2 minutes walking. I did that and was able to really run, not shuffle, during the running intervals. It was a brutal workout - in the rain - but I got through it and felt like a rock star when I was done. I came home showered, had some oatmeal, and am now watching TV, working on my thesis and watching it rain.  Fun times....

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...