11 July 2013


This morning's WOD included deadlifts. There were 20 of them total, 10 at the beginning and 10 at the end. RX was 185# and I decided to go for it. Last Saturday I did 45 deadlifts at 155#, I figured I could do 20 at 185#. And I did, but I tweaked my back on the last one and now it's a little bit painful. Weirdly enough, it does not hurt at all when I stand, only when I sit. Bizarre. So I will have to take it easy today and rest it. I do not want to make it worse. But, hehehehe, I went RX :)

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...