20 November 2013

Gratitude Day 18 & 19

Day 18 - I'm grateful for my sewing abilities. Seriously!!!! I am a good sewer, no, I'm a fabulous sewer. I can pretty much sew anything if I put my mind to it. I started making wrist wraps and in just 3 days figured it out completely. More important, I revived my love of sewing. I set up the spare room as a sewing room and I just could not be happier.

Day 19 - I'm grateful that we own our house. We don't have a lot of money, but we own the house and that is awesome. There is a special kind of peace that comes with owning your own home. A feeling that no one can take it away - at least not without your permission. So I am grateful for that.

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...