27 November 2013

Gratitude: Day 26 & 27

Day 26: Today I'm grateful for free dress days. We got free dress all this week and I have been wearing shorts. Awesome. Shorts and t-shirts. Yeah for free dress days.

Day 27: Today I am grateful for short days. We get out at 1:30 today for the Thanksgiving holiday. Yeah!!!!

When I started this month I thought that I had to be grateful for big things. I have come to realize that those are the things I am always grateful for. It is the little things that tend to get overlooked. That is what makes up our every day lives, the little things. And by taking a moment to realize how grateful you are for the little things, really makes a difference. So I guess I really have learned something this month, and the month is not quite over.

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Well that escalated quickly

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