14 February 2015

Very lazy day

Today I was lazy. I went to Crossfit this morning and did two WODs. I stopped at Burger King for breakfast and I came home and did nothing the rest of the day. I watched Sons of Anarchy on Netflix and napped on the couch. It was completely awesome. I had one small assignment due that I just busted out and submitted. Now my classes are officially done and I can rest for two weeks. I'm so very excited about that. It helped that I got little sleep last night. It was so windy that it kept waking me up. Then the weather today was rainy and ugly. Perfect day to be lazy. I so needed a complete down day and I'm glad I got one. Don't know what's happening tomorrow but it will start with Crossfit. Now, I'm off to lie back down on the couch.

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Well that escalated quickly

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