05 February 2016

Success found in small things

The post I sat down to write was very different from what this one will be. I have been reading some blogs and was feeling like everyone is having this wonderful success and I'm not. This evening I have been feeling a little down about this whole weight loss thingee. I had some candy this afternoon and I felt like that was really horrible. Oh, I also had some banana bread at an event this morning. When I came home I ended up being lazy on the couch and then working on school work. I was getting very down on myself for eating what I did and not taking the opportunity to get some activity in. Then reading other people being very successful just made me feel worse. So I was going to write a woe is me post. Then I stopped {right here i need the sound of a scratching record}.

I had a number of successes this week. I hit my macros almost every single day. That is amazing. I had some candy and cookies but I still hit my macros most days. That is amazing and totally awesome. I did not get any activity this week. :( I'm feeling a little fat so I'm hoping coach cuts my calories a little bit this week. But if not, that's okay. I will stay the course and see what happens. It feels good to be in control of my food and not have it control me. I like that. So I'm going to view this week as a success and not beat myself up, well, that's not allowed this year anyway.

I can't help but notice that whenever I make really solid, concrete goals, I fall short. I was walking up a storm and then I made a walking goal and stopped walking. WTF???? I know that I'm afraid of failure, but not trying is the biggest failure. So this week that is my focus. I need to set goals and stick to them. I need to develop follow through. So I am going to make some SMART goals for this week.

Sensible: Maybe it's not sensible to go from 0 to 100 in one week. Maybe I should start a little slower. So I think I will work to get 1 workout a day.

Measurable: It will be considered a workout if it lasts for at least 15 minutes. So a 15 minute walk in the morning, or a short yoga session will definitely count.

Attainable: That goal is completely attainable. Being tired is not an excuse to miss my goal.

Relevant: Making exercise a priority is completely relevant to my life at this point in time.

Time based: This is for this week. I will complete a workout every day for the next 7 days.

I just logged my workouts for the week in my Passion Planner. I will stick to it. I will complete them all and I will be successful this week. I remember a time when I set workout goals and crushed them. Time to get back to that feeling.

Okay, feeling pretty positive about this month and ready to take it on.

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