Drawn into a hole

I love to play games. Especially simulation games on the computer. I was a huge Farmville fan back in the day. Then I primarily stuck to card games and mahjong and things like that. Well, a couple of months (weeks???) ago, I discovered a game called Klondike. It is super fun. You have to clear your land and build things. Raise animals and crops. Explore other lands and perform tasks. I really, really like it. But I have a tendency to get sucked into it to the exclusion of all other things. It happened yesterday. Every week they release a new 'expedition' or adventure that you have to complete in a limited amount of time. Sometimes the open up a temporary land and you have to complete certain things in a time frame. The temporary lands are usually impossible for me. I'm not at a very high level yet and so things take me lots of time and I don't have a lot of energy. The tasks on these temporary islands usually require lots and lots of energy. It's easy to ignore those temporary lands, I will usually check them out, maybe do a couple of tasks and then lose interest. These things were definitely made for the higher level players and it's great because after a certain point you get bored doing the same thing over and over. So throwing in stuff for the high-level players is really great. One of the reasons I left Farmville was the boredom factor. But last weeks was a set of 3 tasks you had to do every day for 7 days. You got a polar bear cub and by doing these tasks you got the food to feed it and help it grow. Well, I got so caught up in this stupid adventure, that I was on the game constantly. You had to make things in factories and before you could make some things you had to make other things, so I was busy figuring out what I needed and trying to plan ahead so I had the stuff I need when the time came. Ugh!!!!  I sat for about 3 hours last night doing nothing but playing this stupid game. UGH!!!  I'm mad at myself for wasting so much time on it But it is also not surprising. When I find something that interests me I do it to excess. So, I guess that is what has happened. But, it's time for a change. I have to limit my playing time. I can't be wasting that much time on something so meaningless. So it's back to my normal play mode where I play for a little bit then go and do other things. No more being so focused on something like that. I'm done.


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