01 January 2022

A deeper analysis of my word

 My word for this year is 


I want to live my life very intentionally. I don't want to be a victim of circumstances or allow my circumstances to dictate my life. I want to do the things that are important to me and that have meaning to me. I don't want to be a victim in any way shape or form. So let's dig into that word and really ferret out what it means to me and how I will manifest it in the coming year. 

I want to be intentional in my actions and my time. Those things are closely related because my actions consume my time and my time is spent doing my actions. I want to be intentional in my thoughts. I don't want my thoughts to control me, I want to control my thoughts and I want those thoughts to have meaning and be intentional. I want to be intentional with my emotions. I want to feel things that are appropriate and fitting to the situation. 

I want to be intentional in my actions. I don't want to spend a day or even an hour doing something that I didn't plan on doing. Something that made me say, where did the time go in a bad way. It is completely okay to waste time, but I want to do it with intention. If I'm going to play a game for an hour, I want to know that upfront and be okay with that. If I'm not okay with it, I need to rethink what I am doing. So that means when I sit down at the computer I know what I'm going to do and I have a goal in mind. Even if that goal is 10 minutes on Facebook, that's okay. But I no longer want to spend hours doing something that I didn't intend to do. So intentional with my time and actions. 

I want to be intentional in thoughts. I don't want my thoughts to have power that I don't give them. I want to be intentional in my thoughts and be extremely aware of thoughts that are not appropriate. 

I want to be intentional in my emotions. I don't want my emotions to control me or to have any power over me. I want to feel and experience real, appropriate emotions. 

Okay, I feel good about this word and these thoughts. Intentional is the word of the year.   

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