The knee one more time

 Yes, I know I talk about it a lot but it takes up a lot of my life and thought processes right now.  The doctor on Friday recommended diclofenac for my knee. It's a rub-on analgesic that helps with arthritis pain. Much better than large quantities of ibuprofen. So I got this

Picked it up on Saturday and started using it right away. I have just 3 words to say; OH MY GOD!!!!  Why did I not use this weeks and weeks ago? This stuff is like a miracle drug. You can use it up to 4 times a day. I used it twice on Saturday - once when I got it and then before bed. Almost immediately my knee felt amazing. Still little twinges but nothing serious, best I had felt in weeks. Then I used it 3 times yesterday - first after my shower, then again around 3 pm, and then again before bed time. Yesterday was probably the first dog walk that I have taken in months that was not painful in some way. I felt amazing and felt like I could walk forever. I didn't because I know better, but damn it felt good. Woke up this morning and had only a tiny, tiny bit of the stiffness and twinges that I usually get in the morning. So this stuff is completely amazing and I am so glad that the doctor recommended this. 

Now let's move to the weight aspect. So after my last lunch at Cheeseburger & Cold Beer, I dived right into paleo that night. Hubby is kind of on board too because he has high blood pressure and was told to lose some weight. So we hit Trader Joe's and got some veggies and stuff there, then made a paleo dinner. I had no desert and no bread/pasta etc. Saturday morning Hubby made a quiche for breakfast, yum, and I went to the gym. I pushed it at the gym. I used weights that were considerably heavier than I've used before. At some time during the past week I read something that said you are stronger than you think you are. They were right. For lunch we had poki bowls, I could eat these every day, and for dinner another paleo dish with chicken. Yesterday we had the rest of the quiche for breakfast. I made a 'sandwich' with these cheese wraps I bought at Trader Joe's - meh. Dinner was this amazing pork, rice, veggie bowl thing that Hubby made. It was so good. If that is paleo, I'm in. The great news is that I fall right back into this eating pattern really easily. No cravings, no nothing, just want good, whole food. Honestly, I just need to keep an eye on Hubby when he prepares food, he has no concept of what has sugar or grains and what doesn't. So this is going really well and I'm feeling pretty damn good. It's only been 2 1/2 days, but I'm feeling good. The best thing about eating paleo is that I don't get that bloated, so full I can't move, feeling after eating. I like not having that. 

Now to the exercise. The recommendation is 150 minutes a week. That breaks down to just about 20ish minutes per day. The higher recommendation is 300 minutes a week, which would break down to 40ish minutes per week. They also recommend 2 days of weight lifting. So I need to focus on the activity part and doing purposeful activity. I do walk Mavy just about every day, but sometimes that only lasts for 15 minutes. So I need to make sure his walks last 20 minutes. I also want to add Supernatural into the mix every single day. I really like it and it really works up a sweat for me when I do it. I'm not doing it to get stronger, I'm doing it to get movement. The problems will be Mondays, though I can probably leave school on time on this day and get home in time to do it before dinner. Wednesdays, because I have science bowl and tend to get home after 5pm. Then after walking Mavy it's close to 6pm. Those are really the only 2 problem days. I may take Wednesday as my rest day so I don't have to fight the time crunch and just do it on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays and of course over the weekend I will workout multiple times just because it's fun. 

There was a time when I would come home from a regular job at 6pm and go for a swim in the ocean. Did that for a long time. I would also workout with weights and do the Nordic track on some nights. I know that I go to bed early, but I don't think I need to go that early. I have been pushing it a little bit, 8:30 instead of 8; like that. Yes, I need sleep, sleep is extremely important, but I also need to workout and get things done. 

Another thing I need to do is to get the hell away from Facebook. I am so over that stupid website, so over it. I think I need to set rescue time and only allow 1 hour per day on it. I'm done with it. 

Okay, that about wraps up the thoughts on this holiday Monday, oh yeah, we have today and tomorrow off - woo hoo!!!  


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