Here we are at Thursday again.

I refuse to feel bad but I can't help feeling just a little down on myself. Monday my left knee hurt so bad that I decided not to exercise on Tuesday. That definitely helped and Wednesday my knee felt much better. I got up yesterday and did a nice slow, easy walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes; my knee twinged a little bit but nothing serious and my knee felt fine all day. Last night I had a dinner meeting and didn't get home until 9:15 pm so there was no exercise last night. This morning I just didn't want to get up and gave in very, very easy to sleeping in. Now, my knee is still twinging a little bit and I could probably justify not exercising, but that's really an excuse. I didn't exercise because I was lazy. So I have to be very vigilant and force myself to exercise and get back in the habit. It's way too easy to fall out of the routine. Actually, sometimes I can take a day off and get right back into it the following day; and sometimes I can't. I wonder what the difference is? Is it my attitude? Is it the phase of the moon? What? Oh well, this is apparently never going to come really easy to me so I have to keep focused on the goal. Well, I must get my butt to work.....


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