22 March 2005

I Feel Good....... I knew that I would now......

So after a week of debauchery and gluttony I am back on track and feeling awesome. I started back on Bob Greene's Total Body Makeover and a new running schedule. I did my first strength workout last night and can feel my butt, back, and arms; not bad but definitely a little sore. I have decided that I do not really like exercise; god knows, I've tried for years to convince myself I do; but I do love the way I feel and look. My stomach is beginning to feel tighter and looking flatter. I noticed as I was walking around work this morning that I can look down and see my hips, knees, feet, my entire lower body. There's no stomach in the way. It's a miracle!!!!!

On other fronts things are going well. We are hanging in there. The money situation is not great, but we are not going to end up homeless either. On that note I think I will go get some work done.....

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Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...