19 June 2005

It's now time to face the music.

I've really been avoiding this place because I've been afraid. Afraid to admit that the way I'm doing things is not working. I use plenty of things as excuses, my period, lack of funds, lack of time, lack of motivation. But you know what, it's all bullshit. I've not been following any real plan and I've been using my injuries as an excuse. Yesterday I ate till I hurt and that's not good at all. I have had absolutely no motivation to follow through with something I start and that changes right here right now.

I have spent the last 3 or 4 days researching Body for Life and planning for the upcoming week. I have decided part of the problem was what I eat. Even though I eat pretty good, lots of fruits and veggies, I realized that I do not get enough protein and I exercise way too much for what I eat. So I've put together a triathlon training plan, Na Wahine in 13 weeks, and a marathon training program, Honolulu in December. So I have an exercise program that will take me through December if I want; of course it is open to interpurtation and alteration as necessary. I have also incorporated rest days, something I really have a hard time with. So I think I'm ready on the exercise front.

I have also spent the last 3 days reading all I can on the BFL eating plan. I have decided to give it a real try. Today I'm going shopping for all I need for the week; it's not really that different since I do eat really, really good. I'm going to eat 6 small meals a day 2 to 4 hours apart. I have it all planned out. I'm also starting the day with a protein shake and stopping eating at 7:30 pm. That's 2.5 hours before bedtime. BFL allows 1 free day per week but I don't think I'm gonna take it every week. I think I'll take 1 free meal a week and 1 free day every few weeks. I know for me that the best way to avoid binging on sweets is to not eat them. If I stop eating sweets I stop craving them so that's the way it's going to be. If I decide to have some sweets I will buy a one serving size and that will be that.

So, I think I'm ready to start. I usually feel all fired up when I start something new and this time I don't........ I think I'll just have to plod through for the first couple of days. Once I start to feel good I'll get inspired. It's a matter of mind over matter........

So, tomorrow Week 1 begins in a 12 week program......................................

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Helping or just habit?

 About 6-7 years ago, I was diving into this making myself better stuff. I was in a place where I beat myself up constantly, was never happy...