19 July 2005

My daughter turns 28 today.

I can't believe it, she's 28!!! I can vividly remember the day she was born and what a little cutie she was. Looking back I wish I had been a better mother but I was 18 and didn't know what the hell I was doing. I'm just glad she turned out so well in spite of me. She's a great mother to her 2 kids and I don't know where she learned that; not from me!!!

On the health front, things have been well. I took the weekend off and started right back in yesterday. I've been building my own program and then not following through on it so I decided to try a different approach. I found this site Core Performance and have started doing their program. It's a free 7 day trial so I'll have to decide fairly quickly if I want to continue it. So far I like it. It's about an hour a day. You start with some warm up type exercises then you do strength and then you do cardio. I've done it 2 morning and I really like it. It's not a grueling workout but I feel like I have worked out when I'm done. Also, it doesn't work you to death which is what I was doing to myself. Anyway, I'm giving it a try and enjoying it so far.

Eating has been good. I'm trying to maintain moderation. I had a very large deli sandwich on Sunday but I didn't eat much more the rest of the day. I'm striving to build a diet of consistant moderation. I figure if I eat moderately the majority of the time my body will adapt and become more efficient.

Well, I don't feel like writing. I better get to work!!!!

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