15 July 2008

Running in the rain

If there was any doubt in my mind about me being back up to speed with the working out, it was removed this morning. I awoke, about 10 minutes before the alarm went off, to the sound of pouring rain. It was raining really, really hard. I knew it was almost time to get up and thought to myself, 'I don't want to run in the rain.' To which I responded, 'well, get over it cuz you have no choice.' It was at that moment that I knew I was back on track and everything was going to fine.

So I did running intervals again. I really am liking the intervals. I used to hate them but now I'm having a blast with them. I think I found something I had been doing wrong with my running. I used to get outside my gate and start running right away. Sometimes, okay most times, that was really, really hard. But I would force myself. Then, reading Michelle's blog and how she warms up walking, got me to thinking that's a good way to start. So today I got outside my gate and started walking. Pretty soon I was walking faster and within 5 minutes I was ready to run. That definitely makes a huge difference. So I walked 5 minutes, ran 5 minutes, did 6 - 1 minute intervals, ran 5 minutes, walked 5 minutes and I was done. It was awesome and I felt great. And it didn't rain on me :)


leslie said...

That sounds like a fantastic workout!

I think of the first mile as the yucky mile. It's always hard and slow. Oh well. It gets better. But I like the idea of starting with walking -- I may have to give that a shot.

Glad your motivation has returned. That feels great, doesn't it?

Michelle said...

You've inspired me so much so I'm happy I was able to help :) My Oly training plan says to do the 5 minute warm-up walk. I'm glad you're back!!

Vickie said...

I usually find that if you can wait out the rain by 15 or 20 minutes, it will let up or quit entirely. Good you got out there and had a good run besides. I like intervals too. They can be hard and challenging and yet fun and easy too.

Well that escalated quickly

 It's been a minute since I posted here. I've started a few posts but they petered out after the first paragraph or two. Just couldn...